Clarion Carrier is the premier Delivery and Courier Service for the Clarion area. 

Click the tabs on the left (mobile) or above (PC), or text 570-794-FOOD (570-794-3663) to get started!

Operating Hours:

**Currently in Canada - see you when I return!**

Thursday, February 13 - Tuesday, February 25: CLOSED**

Note- Hours are subject to change. Any updates will be available on Facebook.

If you need an order delivered outside of posted hours on a day not starred (*), please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate. However, times that are starred (*) cannot be changed. 

Use the Order Form or call / text 570-794-FOOD (3663) to order!

Rates for Restaurant Deliveries:

Zone A: Clarion Borough, Monroe Township (Wal-Mart/Hotels), University Housing, and Reidsburg- $8.00

Zone B: Strattanville, Shippenville, and Marianne- $10.00

Zone C: Lucinda, Limestone, Fisher, Sligo, and Corsica- $15.00

Zone D: Knox, Kossuth, Marble, Cook's Forest, Callensburg, and Snydersburg- $20.00

Zone E: Brookville, Rimersburg, St. Petersburg (PA), Leeper, Sigel, New Bethlehem: $30.00

If you'd like to order from more than one restaurant within the same zone, add $5 per stop.

Base Rates for Retail Deliveries:

Minimum charges for Clarion and surrounding towns, from stores in Monroe Township:

Zone 1: Clarion Borough, Reidsburg, Monroe Township (Wal-Mart/Hotels), or University Housing- $15

Zone 2: Shippenville, Lucinda, Limestone, or Strattanville- $20

Zone 3: Corsica, Cook's Forest, Fisher, Snydersburg, Knox Borough or Sligo- $25

Zone 4: Brookville, Rimersburg, or New Bethlehem- $40

Zone 5: Cranberry (North), Oil City or Emlenton- $50

*An extra stop after a retail delivery is $5.00. If order assembly is required at the second stop, this increases to $7.00.*

Charges will be adjusted accordingly for stores outside of Monroe Township. See the "Retail Stores" tab for full explanation.

Rate increases apply if the order exceeds 50 items, 30 miles, or is a premium store. See Retail Stores for more information.

Rates for Wal-Mart Pickup Deliveries:

Zone 1- Clarion Borough, Monroe Twp. (Wal-Mart/Hotels), University Housing, and Reidsburg: $12.00

Zone 2- Shippenville, Strattanville, Limestone, and Lucinda: $15.00

Zone 3- Corsica, Cook's Forest, Fisher, Knox Borough, Snydersburg, or Sligo: $25.00

Zone 4- Brookville, Rimersburg, and New Bethlehem: $35.00

Rates for Pharmacy Deliveries:

Rates for Pharmacy Deliveries are posted in the Pharmacies tab. Please read that entire page before placing an order for a pharmacy delivery.

Adding a pharmacy delivery to any other order will add $6 for the pharmacy stop, and, where feasible, the pharmacy will be the last stop on the delivery.

Accepted Payment Methods:



-Personal Check

-Credit/Debit Card

-Any Contactless method →


-Credit/Debit Card Invoice

-Venmo (@ClarionCarrier)


-Gift Cards for Clarion Carrier*

Clarion Carrier does NOT accept CashApp App payments. (Payments with a CashApp Debit Card will work.)

Other methods may be accepted as technology improves. Feel free to request additional methods if you know of one that we can use.

To order using EBT, place a Wal-Mart Pickup order and pay with the EBT card. Note that delivery fees cannot be paid with EBT- you will need to use one of the above-listed methods to pay the delivery fee. DO NOT CLICK "DELIVERY" ON THE WALMART APP WHEN YOU DO THIS.

*Gift cards can only be used on fees we charge, and for restaurants and retail deliveries where we place and/or shop the order. For example, if you place a Walmart Pickup order, the order itself cannot be paid with the gift card, but the delivery charge can. If you place a restaurant order from any restaurant that isn't listed as a Direct-Order restaurant, gift cards can be used for the entire order. If you intend to use multiple gift cards to cover the transaction, then we will need the bar code numbers off of each card.*

Please do not hesitate to contact us using the "contact" option above or by call/text (570-794-3663) if you need assistance with reading this site, or if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns.